Thursday, 23 May 2013

Talk On Tamanna's Covering!!!

After starting her career with all flops, our milky siren realized her true potential and steadily scaled heights with perfect choice of flicks. Here is a small pep talk about her 'covering'.

During filming a flick, most of the time gets wasted for actors and actresses settling in their caravans in shot gap and again taking long time to come back to location. Also hot heroines, who generally wear skimpy outfits for silver screen, cover up their beautiful body with some coats and shawls once the shot is filmed. When the next shot is ready, they take lot of time to remove those extra covers and for make-up touches. A source in Film production side revealed that when it comes to Tamanna, she never cares for such extra covering. Though a woman cannot walk through a huge bunch of males in such hot costumes, our milky beauty takes it more professional and never wastes times in covering.

Professionalism varies from heroine to heroine, but surely it will much delight for producers working with Tamanna as she never allows a single minute as waste. That's milky beauty for you folks!

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